Before jumping into 2023, let's take a moment to reflect on all the milestones we have managed to achieve together.
Before jumping into 2023, let’s take a moment to reflect on all the milestones we have managed to achieve together. The future is exciting and at GRIP, we are looking forward to making further contributions to the reduction of all forms of inequality. We are well aware that our community of funding partners, research affiliates and consumers of our content play a huge role in the impact GRIP has in knowledge production and reduction of inequality. Therefore, it is important to take a moment of reflection as we round up 2022.


IMAGING INEQUALITY: we launched an exhibition that allowed six artists to tell the story of inequality from their distinct environments in different parts of the world. You can view the virtual exhibition using the link above. We have an on-going call and welcome contributions from visual artists.

Together with CMI, GRIP launched the Political Protests project. Already, a one-day workshop has been held to launch the project, which was followed by a hybrid breakfast seminar. The project will be in full throttle in 2023- watch the space!
We participated in yet another successful Bergen Exchanges hosted by LawTransform. You can watch the video of our panel on Re-negotiating Citizenship during Political Upheavals.
GRIP hosted a session at Day Zero – SDG Bergen 2022 in relation to the new book “Leaving No Child and No Adolescent Behind” edited by Sudeshna Chatterjee, Alberto Minujin and Katie Hodgkinson.
In collaboration with the Bergen Film Festival (BIFF), GRIP screened the documentary film “No Simple Way Home” and held various events with the director Akuol de Mabior.
- Leaving No Child and No Adolescent Behind: an open access book addressing the main drivers of poverty and violence against children. The book contributes to revealing the politics of social inclusion and offers policy proposals aimed at overcoming inequality and exclusion among children and adolescents.
- Urban Think Tank: Re-Thinking Utopia: a miniseries from the Speculative Urban Futures Project by GRIP affiliate Alfredo Brillembourg.
- Poverty – or the death of Zaw Lin Oo: a reflection piece by Don Kalb on the current state of social inequality at the global scale. It was written to commemorate The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
- Tallinn Biennale: GRIP, in collaboration with Alfredo Brillembourg, contributed with a manifesto titled “Soil for Life 2050”. Our manifesto was part of the larger architecture event under the theme: “Edible; Or, The Architecture of Metabolism”.
- UNRISD Crisis of Inequality: GRIP started publishing summaries of leading reports on inequality and the first was from UNRISD, which revealed that the state of fracture the world is in may be a result of a broken social contract. The report also highlights that inequality is often a consequent of policy design.
- GRIP Annual Report 2021: a report on the work GRIP undertook in 2021.
- Just and Sustainable Urban Development.
- Postcolonial Queer and Trans Theory: The Country, the City, and Rural Imaginaries.
- Science as a Site of Inequality; Epistemic Decentralization.
- The Long Year.
- Dimensions of Inequality: Food Insecurity.
GRIP will participate in the SDG Conference in Bergen on 8 February 2023 under the theme “A just transformation to a sustainable future”. We will be hosting a hybrid (in-person & on Zoom) panel titled The Green Transition: Oil, Unions, and Climate on Day Zero.
May 31 – 2 June will see the launch of what will become the Annual GRIP Lecture in Bergen. Next year, the lecture will run under the theme “Rethinking 200 Years of Socialism: Old and New Dilemmas”. The Lecture will be delivered by Marcel van der Linden who will attempt to re-imagine the strategic dilemmas and choices of socialist and labour movements in the period from the 1820s to the 2020s.