GRIP’s main objective is to generate better knowledge about inequality that can contribute to systemic transformations.
Understanding inequality as multidimensional and plural, GRIP focusses on the interactions between different dimensions of inequality (economic, social, political, cultural, environmental and knowledge-based), and on how these interactions are created, reproduced, maintained and experienced in different urban contexts.
GRIPs approach is two-prone:
- Understanding inequality through multidimensional and plural research on inequality guided by questions regarding the fundamental nature, historical legacy and constitution of knowledge about inequality. GRIP aims at integrating partners and teams from across the globe around a common research framework that reflects plural epistemic traditions, including perspectives and concerns from the global South.
- Addressing inequality through understanding contestations over inequality, the responses developed by people affected, and the policy tools (including laws and policies) that aim to redress inequality, in order to identify possible pathways towards greater equality in different contexts. This will include producing knowledge that can feed directly into relevant global or regional policy processes such as Agenda 2030, and other processes led by UN bodies.
GRIP therefore aims both to generate greater knowledge about inequality, and at producing actionable and relevant research that can contribute to societal impact and transformation in relation to inequality.