Labour Unions against Authoritarianism

Kulturhuset Vaskerelven 8, top floor, Bergen, Norway

Labour unions have often been in the forefront of mobilising against oppressive regimes. As custodian organisations, they have tremendous potential in mobilising society in times of need. Yet, labour unions are also navigating and operating in a difficult political landscape, filled with repressions, co-option, restrictions as well as containment. This round table explores the conditions […]

Crises of Care

Bergen Global and Zoom Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen, Norway

GRIP together with the Centre for Care Research west (HVL) is organizing a seminar that will attend to some of the most prominent and pressing issues on the subject of care crises in the Nordic context, especially focusing on labour and inequality.

GRIP Secretariat | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Bergen | PO Box 7802 | 5020 Bergen, Norway
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