As COVID-19 pushes millions of people into poverty while others continue to accumulate their wealth, new calls for more fair and just taxation are raised. The current challenges of increasing global inequalities demand a re-examination of the financial architecture and tax system we live in, to secure resources for development and to enable countries to protect their sources of revenue for the financial challenges that lie ahead. How can countries secure resources for their development and how can tax systems help to address inequalities? This timely book “Tax Justice and Global Inequality” addresses these questions by exploring a variety of tax policy solutions at the domestic and international level to raise revenue and promote sustainable futures in the post-COVID era.
Join us for the “Tax Justice and Global Inequality” book launch!
Moderator: Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (GRIP)
Editors: Erika Siu, Krishen Mehta
Discussants: Tina Søreide (NHH), Astrid Haas (IGC)
This will be a digital event. Please follow this link to join the event on Zoom.
You can also watch it live-streamed on Bergen Global’s YouTube-channel.
Illustrative photo: CafeCredit/Flickr.