Unequal Worlds #9
2020 marked the start of several global crises the consequences and impact of which we are still attempting to comprehend and deal with, and inequalities are again on the rise worldwide.
In this episode we dive into the newly published book The Long Year; a 2020 Reader, edited by Caitlin Zaloom & Thomas Sugrue, which brings together some of the world’s leading scientists and incisive thinkers who grapple with the implications of the various crises of 2020, providing a sobering and critical analysis of the pre-existing conditions that lead to these crises, exposing the way inequalities have exploded and also offering suggestions for the ways forward – ways to reform, reconnect and rebuild a more equal future for us all.
To talk about this book, we are lucky to have one of the editors, Caitlin Zaloom, with us. Caitlin is a professor of Social & Cultural Analysis at New York University. She studies the cultural dimensions of finance, politics, technology, and economic life. She is also the author of books Indebted: How Families Make College Work at Any Cost and Out of the Pits: Traders and Technology from Chicago to London.